Quilters really are like a bunch of turkeys.
This REAL bunch of turkeys gave us a giggle as we were gearing up to put our sewing machines to work this week. When we first noticed them, they were walking downhill, and shortly after this photo was snapped, they broke out into an all out run. Apparently the neighbor was feeding them.
Did you know that a bunch of turkeys is called a "Rafter"?
Me either.
We never seem to run out of fabric.
But, we also never turn away donations of fabric, quilt tops, squares, batting, thread, or other supplies, because every little bit helps us to love on one more person. Even one of those 40 or 50% off coupons for Joann's fabric helps us with a bigger purchase that we might not otherwise make.
Putting together quilts for Benton Hospice is a true labor of love.
We make a variety of quilts each month. No two are ever the same, and no two quilters are the same either.
Large pieces of fabric are very useful, and we could use more of them. But if we only have small pieces to work with, sometimes we end up with quilts like the one that Heidi finished this week. She does amazing work!
Here's a view of most of the room. We are so grateful to Heidi for opening up this awesome area for us to spread out and make the most efficient use of our time.
Janet is a die-hard quilter. She recently had surgery, but who says you can't quilt with one hand??
Cutting, and sometimes (in my case) re-cutting, is a necessity of quilting. Even if you don't know how to sew a lick, it would really be a big help to have someone cutting fabric for us to sew together. If you'd like to learn the basics of quilting, we would love to help you! Would you consider joining us next time?